A/R System Overview


The Accounts Receivable module gives you the ability to track sources of income. Invoices may be entered for a customer and payments may be applied to these invoices on either a Balance Forward or Open Item basis.

After initially entering information in the Master files, A/R processing involves calculating finance charges. Reports in the A/R module include a Cash Receipts Report, Adjustments Report, Charges Report, Open Invoice Report, Open Item Report, Open Invoice Aging Reports, and an A/R General Ledger Report.

The Accounts Receivable system also has the following features:

1) handle both Open Item and Balance Forward Customer types

2) print Customer Statements for all, or selected, customers

3) base aging of receivables on any time span you wish

4) post A/R income/receipts to the General Ledger module

5) construct your own reports from data in the A/R files through the use of our Report Generator module *

6) integrate A/R data to a word processor or spreadsheet through the use of our Report Generator module *

7) ability to batch-process multiple A/R options through the use of our AutoPilot module (very useful for Month-End procedures) *


* purchased separately… For more information on these modules (or purchasing information), see the Support section of the Guide To Operations manual.

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