The Billing And Inventory module incorporates processing for maintaining Product files and tracking and paying invoices. The Billing And Inventory module integrates information to the Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, and Check Reconciliation modules.


The Billing And Inventory module has the following features:

1) track sales by Product, Customer, Salesperson, and Date

2) automated posting to our Accounts Receivable module

3) ability to generate sales tax reports

4) review and change work orders

5) review and change invoices and cash receipts on a regular basis

6) post work orders to invoice file

7) review and change invoices, and cash receipts before posting to the permanent files

8) post invoices and cash receipts to the permanent files

9) construction of your own reports from data in the B/I files through the use of our Report Generator module *

10) integration of B/I data to a word processor or spreadsheet through the use of our Report Generator module *

11) ability to batch-process multiple B/I options through the use of our AutoPilot module (very useful for Month-End procedures) *


* purchased separately

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