B/I Control Maintenance


This option is used maintain the Billing And Inventory CONTROL file.

After selecting this option from the menu, the computer will display the B/I Control Maintenance screen as follows:

Enter the information on this screen as follows:

Enter the Next Invoice # that you want the system to create when a new invoice is generated in the B/I Temporary Sales Maintenance option.

Enter the Next Invoice # that you wish system to create when a new invoice is generated in the Temporary Sales Maintenance program.

Enter the Product Aging (1-4) which will be used to determine the categories of aging days for the Product Aging Report.

The Commission On Sales box may be checked to calculate the salespeople’s commissions on sales instead of profit.

The Rounding Type allows you to enter the method of rounding that the system will use to determine the price. You can display the available options by clicking this field with your mouse or scrolling through the list by using the up/down arrow keys.

The Default Customer Copies is used to determine the # of copies that you wish to print for a customer.

The Default Office Copies is used to determine the # of copies that you wish to print as your office copy.

The Ask For # Of Copies box may be checked to allow you to enter the number of copies that you wish to print whenever you print an invoice. If this is box is checked it will default the values from Default Customer Copies and Default Office Copies described above.

The Default Invoice Printed box may be checked to mark a new invoice as already printed. This is useful when you are not using the system to print invoices.

Enter the Sales Acct, Inventory Acct, and Cost Acct (General Ledger Number and Department) which will be used as defaults for a new product. If you wish to FIND the information, click on the Find icon on the Toolbar, pick the Find option from the Edit Menu, or press [Ctrl][F]. Upon entering a valid number, the computer will display the description stored for the record.

The Less Than field is used to determine which rounding will be used when the calculated price falls below this value. (This field is only available when Rounding Type is set to 4 – Special).

The Round field allows you to enter the method of rounding that the system will use to determine the price when the price is less than the amount entered in the Less Than field. You can display the available options by clicking this field with your mouse or scrolling through the list by using the up/down arrow keys. (This field is only available when Rounding Type is set to 4 – Special).

The Else Round field allows you to enter the method of rounding that the system will use to determine the price when the price is greater than or equal to the amount entered in the Less Than field. You can display the available options by clicking this field with your mouse or scrolling through the list by using the up/down arrow keys. (This field is only available when Rounding Type is set to 4 – Special).

The Last Update field indicates the last time master information was changed. The software will maintain this date.


Review the data you have entered (or changed) on the screens. If you wish to SAVE the information, click on the Save icon on the Toolbar, pick the Save option from the File Menu, or press [Ctrl][S]. If you do NOT wish to save the information, click on the Cancel icon on the toolbar, pick the Cancel option from the File Menu, or press [Ctrl][L].

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