C/R System Overview
The Check Reconciliation module provides you the ability to reconcile all checks initiated through modules with check writing capabilities (Accounts Payable and Payroll) and reconcile all deposits initiated through modules with cash receipt capabilities (Billing and Inventory). Also, you may add checks and deposits to the file which did not originate from any of the modules. It is important to understand that the purpose of this module is to aid you in reconciling checks and deposits.
Other than initially installing the software, there is no set-up necessary to begin use of the Check Reconciliation system. After the programs have been installed, check printing programs will integrate check information and cash receipt programs will integrate deposit information to the CHECK/DEPOSIT MASTER file. Note that checks and deposits are stored in this file by the G/L Number of the Cash Account from which they were written. The Check Reconciliation reports may be printed at any time to review the checks and deposits in the file. Checks and deposits may be reconciled or voided at any time.
The following programs verify information in the CHECK MASTER file:
1) A/P Check Register on the A/P Processing Menu
2) P/R Check Register on the P/R Processing Menu
At some point in each of these programs, you are asked to enter a Starting Check Number. The program then uses this number and begins numbering the checks you are about to print. These programs also verify check numbers with the check numbers that currently exist in the CHECK/DEPOSIT MASTER file.
If a check number you are about to write already exists in the CHECK/DEPOSIT MASTER file (and is to be written to a Payee different than the Payee on the check in the CHECK/DEPOSIT MASTER file), you should run the program again using a different Starting Check Number. This is done to prevent duplicate Check Numbers for the same G/L NUMBER (Cash account) in the CHECK/DEPOSIT MASTER file.
The Check Reconciliation module has the following features:
1) reconcile, unreconcile, or void checks and deposits for multiple cash accounts.
2) automated posting of both computer and manual checks from our Accounts Payable module *
3) automated posting of both computer and manual checks from our Payroll module *
4) automated posting of cash receipt deposits from our Billing and Inventory module *
5) construct your own reports from data in the C/R files through the use of our Report Generator module *
6) integrate C/R data to a word processor or spreadsheet through the use of our Report Generator module *
7) ability to batch-process multiple C/R options through the use of our AutoPilot module (very useful for Month-End procedures) *
* purchased separately… For more information on these modules (or purchasing information), see the Support section of the Guide To Operations manual.