G/L Journal Entries Posting


This option is used to post journal entries from the TEMPORARY JOURNAL ENTRIES file to the GENERAL LEDGER files. You should print the G/L Journal Entries Report before posting to verify the entries that are about to be posted Also, remember the computer will not post entries if the total Debit and Credit amounts for all entries are not equal (do not balance). The posting process will write the entries to the G/L CURRENT JOURNAL file and update account balances in the G/L MASTER file. In addition, the entries that are posted will be deleted from the TEMPORARY JOURNAL ENTRIES file.

After selecting this option from the menu, the computer will display the G/L Journal Entries Posting screen as follows:

Enter the information on this screen as follows:

Enter the Period and Year (the year is either a 1 or 2 based upon what you have setup in the Company Maintenance) that you wish to be posted. The Period Beginning Date and Period Ending Date will be displayed for verification.


Review the data you have entered on the screen. If you wish to ACCEPT this data, click on the Accept icon on the Toolbar, pick the Accept option from the File Menu, or press [Ctrl][A]. If you do NOT wish to post this information, click on the Cancel icon on the toolbar, pick the Cancel option from the File Menu, or press [Ctrl][L].

After accepting the information, the posting process will begin and a message will be displayed indicating the progress of the posting. When the posting process is finished, the program is unloaded.

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