R/G Variable Types

String Variable – Contains any combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.  Whenever comparing this type of variable to a constant, you must enclose your comparison in quotes.  (i.e. Since dtaUTCmpMst!CompName (Company Name) is a string variable, if you want to compare this variable to a literal, you must write this comparison using the following format 

        dtaUTCmpMst!CompName = "Team Software, Inc."



Numeric Variable – Contains numbers, a plus sign, a negative sign and/or a period.  Whenever comparing this type of variable to a constant, you must NOT enclose your comparison in quotes.  (i.e. Since dtaUTCmpMst!SMTPPort (SMTP Port) is a numeric variable, if you want to compare this variable to a literal, you must write this comparison using the following format

        dtaUTCmpMst!SMTPPort = 25



True/False Variables – If the expression is true this contains a 1; otherwise this will contain a 0.


String Literal – Any combination of letters, numbers, and special characters enclosed in quotation marks.  (i.e. "ABC123, Hello")



Numeric Literal – Any valid number.  (i.e. 1, 1.50, 1.05E+20)

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