B/P System Overview
The Budget Processing module is the most amazing software on the market to help you manage your home budget! A system that provides you the ability to set up your sources of income and expenses (bills), and track your progress on your budget. Complete with a Checking/Savings Reconciliation option for keeping track of your accounts. One of the most amazing features of this software is the concept of NOT tracking actual amounts against the budgeted figures. You allocate ALL income and ALL expenses (even "spending money" and savings). It simply tells you where you SHOULD be and allows you to make adjustments to keep you on track.
The Budget Processing module has the following features:
1) handles virtually any type of income (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and more)
2) handles virtually any type of expense (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and more)
3) construct your own reports from data in the B/P files through the use of our Report Generator module *
4) integrate B/P data to a word processor or spreadsheet through the use of our Report Generator module *
* purchased separately… For more information on these modules (or purchasing information), see the Support section of the Guide To Operations manual.