D/S Flow Of Events


At this point, you are ready to process the Delivery Route Sales module. Establish your own time frame for day to day procedures based on the volume of invoice activity in your office. The Flow of Events provides a general outline for these procedures.

Delivery Route Sales processing can be divided into a few main activities:

1) maintaining the Master files

2) printing user-defined invoices

3) entering purchases

4) entering invoices and cash receipts

5) entering actual truck balances

6) printing daily reports

7) daily zeroing

8) printing weekly reports

9) weekly zeroing

10) printing monthly reports

11) month-end processing

12) year-end processing



The Flow of Events described below is a guideline of options to follow for Delivery Route Sales processing. When you are using an option for the first time, please read the entire Option Description for detailed instructions on using that option.


Maintaining The Master Files:

As new Routes, Bill Codes, Customers, Products, Customer/Product Pricing, Invoice Forms, Price Sheet Forms, and Transfer Codes are encountered, add new records to the appropriate MASTER file through the appropriate Maintenance option on the D/S Master File Maintenance Menu. Whenever changes are made to a MASTER file, it is a good practice to reprint the master file report to have a current hardcopy on hand.


Printing User-Defined Invoices:

User-defined invoices may be printed through the appropriate option on the D/S Processing Menu.


Entering Purchases:

Purchases may be entered through the appropriate option on the D/S Processing Menu.  Use the appropriate report to check for accuracy. If necessary, use the Maintenance option to make corrections.


Entering Invoices And Cash Receipts:

Invoices and Cash Receipts may be entered through the appropriate options on the D/S Processing Menu.  Use the appropriate report to check for accuracy. If necessary, use the Maintenance option to make corrections.


Entering Actual Truck Balances:

Actual truck balances may be entered through the appropriate option on the D/S Processing Menu.  


Printing Daily Reports:

Daily Reports may be printed through the appropriate options on the D/S Reports Menu.


Daily Zeroing:

Daily zeroing is available on the D/S Zeroing Menu.


Printing Weekly Reports:

Weekly Reports may be printed through the appropriate options on the D/S Reports Menu.


Weekly Zeroing:

WTD zeroing is available on the D/S Zeroing Menu.


Printing Monthly Reports:

Monthly Reports may be printed through the appropriate options on the D/S Reports Menu.


Monthly Zeroing:

To insure the integrity of the data in your Delivery Route Sales files, the following steps should be completed before entering any new transactions for the next month!

1) Print and verify all reports, see the Printing Monthly Reports section above.

2) Backup data (see the procedures provided with your backup device).

3) Complete the MTD Zeroing option on the D/S Zeroing Menu.


Year-End Processing:

To insure the integrity of the data in your Delivery Route Sales files, the following steps should be completed before any new invoices are entered for the new calendar year! Also, we cannot stress enough the importance of making a good backup copy of your data before entering any new information for the new year.

1) Complete all processing as outlined in the Month-End Processing section above. DO NOT enter any new information for the next year.

2) Print a hardcopy of any reports you consider necessary to file.

3) Backup data (see the procedures provided with your backup device).

4) Complete the YTD Zeroing option on the D/S Zeroing Menu.

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