Performing A Search


When this option is selected, a Search window will be displayed and the cursor will move to the field upon which the search will be based. If you would like the Search to begin at a certain point in the file, enter the data, or beginning portion of the data, or leave the field blank to start the search at the beginning of the file. After pressing [Tab], the computer will display a screen of records based upon your selection.

Use the cursor control keys to move to the record you wish to use. Select the record by choosing the Accept button from the toolbar, from the Search File Menu, or by pressing the hot-key ([Ctrl]+A). This will enter the record’s key information into the field where you began the Search. You will be returned to that field where you can continue processing.

This is the Search Menu. The options available on the Search Toolbar are located in these menus. The Search View Menu contains an option to turn the Search Toolbar on and off.

This is the Search File Menu. It is reached from the Search Menu.

This is the Search Edit Menu. It is reached from the Search Menu.

This is the Search Toolbar. It includes options to Accept the selected record, Cancel the search, select between Limited Search and Positional Search, Re-Find (select different search criteria), Find (perform a search on one of the criteria fields), Alternate Find (choose between different search criteria), and access the Clock, Calendar, and Help functions.


This is the Re-Find option. When selected, you will be allowed to enter different search criteria in the search fields.


This is the Alternate Find option. When selected, a different set of search fields will be displayed (i.e. Area Code and Phone Number instead of Customer Name, in a customer search).


This is the Limited Search option. When selected, the search will ONLY display those records that match the search criteria.


This is the Positional Search option. When selected, the search will position the displayed records to the record that most closely matches the search criteria. You may then scroll backward and forward through the entire file from that point.

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