A/P Implementation Guidelines


Before you begin regular invoice processing with the Accounts Payable module, some initial steps must be followed to build the VENDOR MASTER file, enter current invoices, and set up certain specific values in the A/P CONTROL file. These default values determine how some processing and updating of files will take place. If you intend to integrate Accounts Payable information to the General Ledger module, you should implement the General Ledger before Accounts Payable.

If you intend to print checks from the computer, see the Recommended Supplies list in the Guide To Operations manual.


A) Defining Values In The CONTROL File

Use the A/P Control File Maintenance option on the A/P Master File Maintenance Menu and answer the following prompts. Please refer to the option description for complete details.

Cash Basis - to define the accounting method (Cash/Accrual) you intend to use.

Detail Posting To G/L - to indicate the manner in which you wish posting to take place from the Accounts Payable module to the General Ledger module.

Default G/L Account Numbers - to enter G/L Numbers needed for your Accounts Payable, Cash, and Cash Discount Accounts


B) Building The Accounts Payable Vendor Master File

Before you begin processing accounts payable invoices, you must create your VENDOR MASTER file. Enter all the vendors that you currently use on a regular basis. Also, set up any vendors you intend to use in the future. This saves time having to stop and add vendors later when you receive invoices from new vendors.

Use the Vendor Maintenance option on the A/P Master File Maintenance Menu to set-up Vendors in the VENDOR MASTER file.


Before beginning, compile a list of those companies/individuals to whom you frequently pay bills. Include each vendor's address, telephone number, and Federal I.D. Number (or Social Security Number) for 1099 purposes.

If you are not at the beginning of the calendar year, you will need to enter the amount you have paid each vendor to date. This is necessary for those vendors for whom you must provide a 1099 at year-end. (This is only necessary if you intend to print 1099s from the computer or if you wish to track this information).

You may wish to use the Vendor Report option on the A/P Master File Reports Menu to print a hardcopy of all your vendors. You may then distribute copies to all staff who will be operating the Accounts Payable module.


C) Entering Current Invoices

To begin processing bills which you currently owe, you first must enter invoices.

Use the Temporary Invoice Maintenance option on the A/P Processing Menu to enter invoices for all currently unpaid bills.


Gather all the original invoices or statements from which you were billed. Indicate on each document, the Vendor Number to be paid and the General Ledger Numbers to which you wish to disburse expenses (if you are using the General Ledger module).

Use the Temporary Invoice Report option on the A/P Processing Menu to review the invoices for accuracy. If necessary, use the Temporary Invoice Maintenance option to make corrections.

Use the Temporary Invoice Posting option on the A/P Processing Menu to post the invoices to the OPEN PAYABLES files.

Use the Unpaid Invoice Report option on the A/P Reports Menu to verify all the invoices that were posted. This report should now include all of your current unpaid invoices.


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