These manuals were written with the conviction that their users are specialists in their industry - not computer experts. Although the manuals assume you are somewhat familiar with your computer, everything you need to know to operate the software can be found in the appropriate manual.
Many people tend to have some apprehension when first learning the operation of a new system, but remember that many steps have been taken to make the modules easier to work with. Also, as the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day", so it is with implementing new modules. It is important to realize that a system as comprehensive as this will take some initial time to implement. But the time spent up-front in learning and setting up the system is nominal compared to the amount of time that will be saved once you are operating with the system on a daily basis.
The following suggestions may be helpful during your initial learning sessions:
* Skim or read the Guide To Operations (and the manual for the module you are implementing) in its entirety before you begin in earnest.
* Relax, there is no need to rush and attempt to learn the whole system in one session.
* Highlight imported steps, instructions, and notes.
* Attach a copy of important notes, and numbering sequences or codes near your computer for ready reference.
* Read through the entire Option Description before using the option, gather any necessary data you will need, and follow the steps in sequence to complete the option.
* Don't be afraid to try working through options as you are reading the manual, "… the easiest way to learn is by doing…"
The Guide To Operations manual includes basic information about using the system, and using your computer in general. It is divided into sections with a brief summary of the information in each section described below.
Installation Guidelines - how to Install Team Software on your hard disk from our website.
Data Entry Guidelines - generally how data is to be entered on screens, along with notes on using the keyboard and special function and cursor control keys, how to respond to menu options and range prompts, and hints when using your printer.
Printing A Report - how to Print a report to your printer or view it on the Screen.
Performing A Search - how to make use of the Find option to locate a record.
Daily Start-Up Procedures - how to start Team Software each day.
Master Menu - how to navigate through Team Software programs and options.
Company Maintenance - how to set up default values in the Company file.
Properties - how to set up default values in the Team.Ini file.
Error Messages - what to expect if an error occurs.
Support - how to obtain help from Team Software, Inc.
Recommended Hardware - what hardware (computer, printer, etc.) Team Software requires and recommends in order to run the software effectively.
Recommended Supplies - the supplies Team Software suggests to run the system effectively.
Security System - how to set up the Password system.